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3 Ways Spirituality Helps Anxiety

If you have suffered from anxiety periodically or as a constant companion in life you...

3 Powerful Hacks To Enjoy More Emotional Freedom

Do you ever feel like your living in an emotional pinball machine? Does it seem...

3 Really Unique Valentine Day Gifts

The season of love is upon us! While celebrating love is an excellent practice, we...

3 Ways You Can Create a Positive Holiday Party!

With all the hustling and bustling that goes about, we sometimes forget to focus on...


5 Ways You Can Benefit From Diffusing Essential Oils

If you’re interested in giving yourself a health boost without all the fuss, we at...

Essential Oils and Depression: Uplifting the Body, Mind and Soul

Depression may be a condition in your life, but with the help of pure essential...

Top Perks of Patchouli Essential Oil

Patchouli is one of those scents that can make you swoon with delight from its...

Essential Oils and Cancer: How They Help Symptoms and Survivors

While essential oils may not be able to serve as a magic cure for cancer,...

5 Major Things You Need to Know About Using Essential Oils Safely

...a quick guide on 5 major things you need to know about using essential oils...