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Russian Shungite Crystals

Primarily Shungite is found in Eastern Europe with rare reports of its being found elsewhere around the globe, Shungite has been reportedly used in medical and water cleansing since the 18th century.

Makes Russian Shungite Unique?

What makes Russian Shungite so unique among mineraloids is its very high carbon content. In fact, Shungite actually produces its own electrical current! It’s this unique property that allows it to supercharge water and interact directly with the body’s bio-energy field.

Shungite is classified based on its carbon content and luster. There are many metaphysical benefits of Shungite including enhancing spiritual growth, aiding in sleep and improving overall energy levels. Discover just the right shape and size for your needs below.

Fast Shungite Mineral Facts

  • Russian Shungite is a type of rock that is found in Russia. It has been used for centuries to purify water and air.
  • The word “shungite” comes from the Russian word “shunya” which means “void”. This is because shungite has a very high concentration of carbon, which makes it an excellent conductor of electricity.
  • Russian Shungite can be found in many different colors, but the most common color is black.
  • Russian Shungite can be used as a natural remedy for many different ailments such as asthma and allergies.

Ready to learn more about the magicical qualities of Shungite?

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