5 Natural Home Remedies for Pain Relief

Pain is an indicator that something in the body or emotional body is out of balance or injured so reaching for the Advil or Tylenol is probably not the best idea. Pain can range from a muscle strain to stress pain like headaches or abdominal pain or even menstrual cramps. Many people realize that resorting to over the counter medicines or prescribed painkillers can have a long term effect that can be damaging like gastrointestinal disorders, kidney damage, hepatic failure, nausea etc. So what’s a person to do with this pain? How about going for one of these 5 natural home remedies for pain relief?

Foods- Ingesting willow bark, turmeric and cloves have been proven to reduce pain. Willow bark is sold as a dry herb so it can brewed like a tea. It also is found in liquid or capsule form. It can relieve headaches, low back pain and osteoarthritis and many other ailments. Turmeric is a spice that gives a yellow color and a distinct flavor. Not only can it reduce inflammation but can help protect the body from free radicals that can damage cells and tissues. Cloves are often used in flavoring meats, rice and many other foods. It can be found in capsule as well as powder and its oil is also available. The key ingredient in cloves is eugenol, a natural pain reliever.

Massage- If you cannot leave and call your favorite licensed massage therapist, asking a partner or a close friend to gently massage a sore or tense muscle is one of the most effective ways to relieve pain. In fact, massage therapy not only reduces pain immediately but can improve the body’s functionality as well.

Essential oils – Research is showing that there is evidence that certain oils can treat certain conditions such as headaches, depression, inflammation, sleep disorders and respiratory problems. Whether these oils are inhaled or applied topically with a carrier oil, they may help with pain. These oils include lavender, rose oil and bergamot. Specifically, lavender was found to be an effective analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Rose oil was found to relieve cramps during menstruation. and coupled with conventional therapy, it alleviated pain caused by kidney stones. Bergamot oil is being to treat neuropathic pain.

Self-hypnosis- Studies show that a high percentage of people find immediate relief using hypnosis. Hypnosis is managing the fear and anxiety that pain can invoke. Through self-hypnosis you can focus on your breathing to help you relax. Also consider Hypnotherapy to work through the underlying core beliefs and stress responses that may be adding to your discomfort.  Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation, focused attention and heightened suggestibility. By altering the attention component of pain and redirecting it away from pain, a new thought can be established when feeling the sensation of pain. Impressing a new thought on our subconscious mind can take time and repetition. So understanding the different stages of hypnosis and practicing self-hypnosis while in pain or doing it to avoid pain can be well worth your efforts.

Hot/Cold therapy – Applying heat and ice directly to the sites of pain can create immediate relief. Many people know to do this but do not know when to use heat and when to use ice. For reducing swelling and inflammation apply an ice pack. Once the swelling has calmed down, applying heat may reduce the stiffness that comes with whatever created the inflammation in the first place. Cold packs also work with headache pain. Moist heat packs work well with arthritis and joint pain relief.

So when you’re home, relief can be in sight through these 5 natural ways of ingesting the right foods, having a massage, using essential oils, practicing self-hypnosis and applying hot or cold therapy. Instead of going for your regular way of handling pain, choose something that may help you find complete relief. Of course if your pain is sudden onset, chronic or severe seek the care of a licensed physician immediately. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are for purely informational purposes only.

Feel better now with this weeks trending natural remedies for holistic pain relief. Stop stress fast with a delightful Stress Free Roll On.

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Thank you for reading and we hope you are pain free! #tuneupyourhappy

Namaste-The Om Gang

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