Energy Healing

Can Energy Really Heal?

“If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him” – Hipporcrates

Our society has become more and more plagued with dis-ease. In fact according to, the United States consumes 70 percent or more of the world’s pharmaceuticals and contains only five percent of the world’s population. In general, dis-ease is a thought and/or feeling that puts us into a negative state. Explained plainly, a negative state could be depression, anxiety and/or physical pain. Most of us opt to see a physician who practices western methods of medicine to help us with our dis-ease. For depression, he or she might recommend a SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor). For anxiety, he or she may recommend a benzodiazepine such as Xanax to help your ailments. However, what is not common in western medicine is follow-up and an end to taking a prescription. What are you doing besides taking medication to heal your dis-ease? When you stop taking it, will the dis-ease be gone? Or will those discomforting feelings, thoughts and physical pain return when the medication is no longer in your body? For some, these medications are necessary.

For others who seek alternatives, alternative medicine like energy healing can often be the key to unlock personal wellness.

More and and more people have been seeking alternative forms of medicine to heal their discomfort. Unlike western medicine practices, people who partake in alternative medicine do not experience withdrawal, side effects or addictions. However, there are many similarities between the two practices of medicine. When you swallow a prescription medication, the medication is sent throughout your entire body. Alternative medicine works on the wholeness of you and not just one part. Alternative medicine is meant to heal more than just the physical aspects of our body. It is a conduit into our consciousness. Alternative medicine methods (for example, energy healing) focus on the emotional, mental and spiritual as well as the physical aspects of our being.

With that said, consider that all matter is made up of energy. Therefore, the physical body is counted as an energy body. There are five energy bodies that make up each one of us; physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual. They each vibrate at a different frequency with the physical energy body having the lowest vibrational frequency (which according to physics, means we can see it). All five energy bodies overlap. When a practitioner puts his or her hands on a client, the healing intention is not only sent to the physical energy body but to the other four energy bodies as well. For example, like reaching through a layered cake. Your hand would touch every layer on the way in, the icing, the cake, more icing, more cake, and finally the crust. The goal of energy healing is to work through the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies that lie within us and get to the pure consciousness.

This is a picture of your chakras

Energy healing lovingly reveals and can help to release the fears that live within our mind and gently exposes the truth and or root cause of dis-ease being an event, belief or trauma. This truth is integrated into your consciousness and filters through to the other energy bodies.

Energy healing re-aligns our energy bodies. It removes the blockages in our energy pathways. These blockages are quite often the cause of our physical and emotional pain. For these blockages to be removed, the patient has to have the willingness to make changes in present life patterns and have the motivation to develop personal wellness habits. They also have to have faith and trust. With these, a shift happens. Unlike a prescription medication for physical pain, depression or anxiety, (which may mask the physical issue), energy healing works to find the root of the problem. With the help of an energy practitioner, a patient may experience a deep personal shift. Patients find it hard to describe the shift except that it frees them from the chains of their physical or emotional pain.

“The moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry in your body” – Dr. Bruce Lipton

In western medicine, there is no quick fix for emotional healing. For some, prescription medications can be life-saving and give them the space needed to do deeper work. Others believe prescription medication is not meant to be taken for long-intervals and would rather not be tied to a habit-forming substance.

Energy healing is about understanding and regaining your personal power.

The amount of time to create personal wellness will largely depend on your ability and willingness to learn about your whole self. It is solely up to you on how long your journey to healing will take. Correspondingly, the same can be said of western medicine. It is solely up to you how you choose to employ pharmaceuticals. What is right for you is not always right for everyone. Energy medicine gives us an alternate path to explore our personal healing potential. Comparable to western medicine, your first session (or first appointment) with your energy practitioner (or physician) will not instantly change your life.

After the first energy healing session, the changes taking place can be so subtle that you may not see the change before you become the change.

At The OM Shoppe, we offer energy healing sessions.Here is what to expect with an energy session.

1. Prior to the session, the Energy Practitioner will assess the energy bodies. Some may use pendulums, muscle testing and/or an aura scanning device. The practitioner will ask questions to determine the focus of the healing, answer any questions the participant may have and explain what to expect during and after the energy healing.

2. During the session, the practitioner will use a series of modalities to energetically repair abnormalities in the body’s energy field.

3. After the session, the practitioner will suggest lifestyle changes in order to help maintain the balance that is created. Suggested lifestyle changes could include using crystals, essential oils and/or other self-care routines.

“No matter how active we are, how much effort we make, our state of consciousness creates our world, and if there is no change on that inner level, no amount of action will make any difference.” – Eckhart Tolle

Check out this weeks trending products to start your journey into energy healing at home today.

Learn more about Crystal Singing Bowls and discover what thousands have already experienced, the vibrational quality of a Crystal Singing Bowl for meditation and personal wellness.

Discover the ancient chanting rituals with Deva Premal that raise the vibrations of our very own cells.

Charge a crystal grid or begin working on your energy bodies today with a handcrafted crystal wand.

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