Self care is not self indulgence. Self care is self respect.

Halt Headaches With These Natural Quick Remedies

A headache is a painful sensation in any part of the head, ranging from sharp to dull, that may occur with other symptoms. It is estimated that 90% of the entire population had a headache in their lifetimes. Day to day stressors and just being overwhelmed can make one ignore the symptoms of a headache or just mask the pain with some type of pain relief like an over the counter painkiller. Yet the body tells us that it is needy or is missing something when this type of pain exists.

Headaches can be caused by simple stress, being overworked, having eyestrain, drinking alcohol, eating poorly , having hormonal imbalances or just over working your physical body. But if your tired of the pounding and not wanting to take aspirin or other harmful medications, there are natural quick ways to make a headache not only go away but perhaps stop it from ever beginning in the first place.

1. Rest – Often a headache indicates that you need to stop what you’re doing and take a physical break. Lying down and sleeping for an hour of more can help the mental pressures as well as the physical pressures around the neck and shoulders. While resting using a hot or cold compress may offer some relief of the tension too.

2. Massage – Asking for help from a licensed massage therapist can provide gentle relief of pressures on the head and neck. This can actually prevent a headache from beginning. Some massage involves penetrating deeper into the muscles so that both a soothing and relaxing sensation will occur , ultimately releasing any tension.

3. Diet – Eating small frequent meals will keep the blood sugar levels from dropping. When one grazes or continually eats throughout the day 6-8 times small meals rather than 3 large meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner, your energy and blood sugar will stay even rather than spiking or crashing. Additionally, eating foods that are rich in magnesium like beans, whole grains, seeds, nuts, broccoli, and leafy greens can help with headache symptoms. Taking 200-600mg of magnesium daily can block the pain-transmitting chemicals in the brain and reduce the frequency of headache attacks.

4. Water – Simply just drinking water will keep one from feeling headache pain and symptoms. Most individuals do not drink enough water, some don’t drink it at all. Instead they drink dehydrating drinks like coffee, caffeinated tea, sugary sodas and alcohol. Adding fruits and vegetables which often contain 90 percent water will also help in staying hydrated. Some of these foods include cucumbers, celery, zucchini, cauliflower, watermelon, strawberries and oranges.

5.Essential Oils – Both peppermint oil and lavender oil are found to be effective in creating a calming an relaxing effect for headache symptoms. Refreshing peppermint helps to unclog blood vessels which can cause head pain. Applying a few drops with jojoba oil and massaging them into one’s temples or on the back of the neck soothes muscles to contract. It also helps to increase blood flow in the forehead. Using calming lavender oil in this same way can help ones mood stabilize. Both oils can not only help with reducing and or eliminating headaches, they can help balance hormones and moisturize skin.

6. Exercise – A few basic stretches can help the intensity of a headache and may prevent one from happening. Sitting in one spot for hours at a time can create pressure on one’s neck and spine. Taking mini breaks throughout the day and moving your head and neck around will relieve tension from building. Also doing yoga clears your mind and helps to strengthen muscles. Two poses like downward facing dog or child’s pose can help with breathing and blood flow. Taking full deep breaths into the diaphragm and filling up your lungs can help relax the body and the mind.

Instead of going to the medicine cabinet, any of these quick remedies can stop headache pain. Changing one’s habits or lifestyle is the best prevention. Getting enough rest daily, incorporating self-care, eating frequent mindful meals, staying hydrated, using powerful essential oil and exercising one’s body will all manage headaches from happening. After all, who has time for a headache?

Check out this weeks trending products like essential oils, crystal singing bowls and meditation cushions. It just may be time to Tune Up Your Happy and take a little Om home with you.


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