Author Archives: The OM Shoppe

Vitex: Aromatherapy Utilizing Women’s Herb

The precursor to the modern system of pharmaceutical healthcare was based on traditional herbal medicine....

Smudging: A Simple Way of Cleansing Energy

Negative energy accumulates just like dust in a house. This negativity may attach itself to...

Crystal Healing Explained by the Law of Resonance

Updated: Oct, 2020 Humans have long sensed that crystals and unusual minerals hold an inherent...

Selenite: the Universal Harmonizer (Updated for 2020)

Selenite is a mesmerizing and powerful crystal used in a number of energy medicine applications....

Zafu Cushions: Introduce Comfort into Your Meditation Routine

The oldest recorded system of meditation dates back almost 7000 years and is recorded among...


Chromotherapy: Let Colored Light into Your Life

Updated June, 2021: The metaphysical properties of light have been apparent for thousands of years,...

A Brief History of Incense

The burning of fragrant herbs, berries, roots, and resins for the purpose of ritual and...

Shungite: The Healing Stone of the 21st Century

Shungite is a powerful black lustrous crystal found only in Russia. Mined in large deposits,...