image of different relgious books with a dove in the backgroudn saying what to all religions have in common a blog by the om shoppe

The Common Threads of All Religions

The Common Threads of All Religions Updated: 2020

In this day and age it seems that many individuals with a Western mindset have become dissociated from the deeper purpose of religion and spiritual practice. So why is there division amoung religions and is there a common message that can be found amoung all relgions?

It is a human tendency to focus on the easily accessible aspects of something, which may be why many people regard participation in religious rituals or observances as constituting religiousness. While this is an important part of it, it is important to consider the purpose of various religious rituals and observances.

variety of religions A variety of religions with corresponding rituals, structures, and procedures have been developed throughout human history whose purpose it always is to connect people with the Source of or explanation for their creation: this is the primary theme and purpose of religion.

As sound healers it is important to remember that sacred sounds have always played a part in religous ceremony. Harved Divinity School researcher Rosalind Hackett states;, “sound is integral to the way that religious communities define themselves, attract adherents, and create devotional spaces.” in her research on Gender & Sacred Sounds.

Religion specialist Carla Rueckert defines three elements of this theme which constitute the common threads shared by all religions.

Source or Explanation of Creation
Religion explains that there is a source or explanation of our creation in the universe. Religion provides a framework of meaning for individuals. The alternative attitude dictates that human life is meaningless as there is no higher purpose than survival. The religious perspective instead declares that there is a higher truth to things beyond what occurs on the surface level of everyday reality.

Everyone Is From the Same Source
All religions explain that all humans come from the same creator or Source into this world. In addition, all people will return to the same Source after life. This Source is absolute and inexplicable in nature, being beyond the scope of human comprehension.

Love Unites All
Religion serves to aid people in connecting with Source. Feelings of connection with Source are very powerful and correspond to feelings of love. Religious participation encourage feelings of connection with self, others, and Source. Love is a powerful thing which can heal, change an attitude, or cause a miracle.

Listen here as Sister Joan Chittister, a Roman Catholic nun, author and scholar, explains that all major religions share the same beliefs and messages. Individuals, she says, create the divisions.

YouTube video

Religion is a beautiful tool for connecting with our orienting sense of meaning and purpose. Religious rituals, rites, holidays, and observances are all designed to evoke feelings of love and respect for the Source of existence.

Religion Yin Yan

In order to help you achieve this sense of peace, remember source energy is available to anyone at anytime. Sound in many forms is a direct link to celebrate and invoke love.

Although, as we have discovered our divisions are self created through ego and the worship of material things, there is one common thread that is always present. Love.

Love of our earth, ourselves and our fellow sentient beings is the answer we all seek, no matter the question or vehicle we employ to get there.

Religions as it turns out, have in common the the universal teaching of holding each other in unconditional love. When we do not, we have strayed from the message regardless our religion.

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